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Why Choose Indousa Travel?

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Accredited by IATA/IATAN

Professional Tour Leader & Driver

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Open Trips
Happy Customers

Ronny Tangguh
Alaska Aurora Hunting Trip - October 2024
INDOUSA just a perfect travel biro to Alaska. Excelent service, best itinenary, and best for aurora hunting. Two thumbs up!

Fransisca G
Alaska Aurora Hunting Trip - October 2024
An amazing experience, when the dream of seeing the aurora directly became a reality with the help of INDOUSA. Perfect service! Success for INDOUSA!

Siska Yoswandi
West Coast USA - September 2024
Cocok banget buat yang seneng open trip atau jalan sendiri. Banyak yang bisa dieksplor bareng INDOUSA... Ga nyesel pokoknya.

Devita Marissca S
West Coast USA - September 2024
So far, for the first time tour with INDOUSA itu like with private tour karena small group. Ke destinasi yang anti mainstream juga, yang tour lain belum tentu pergi kesana. Dan kalau waktunya banyak bisa request juga mau ke mana, asal sesuai persetujuan peserta lainnya. Kak Grandy juga banyak ilmu pengetahuan yang bisa menambah wawasan saya juga. Driver, Pak Andre juga sangat sabar dan helpful. Semoga semakin sukses INDOUSA dan makin banyak destinasi menarik lainnya.

Pricilia Marissa F
West Coast USA Trip - September 2024
Semua okay. Kak Grandy dan pak driver Andre baik banget. Semua sesuai itin. Happy sih. Selalu provide best deal ya kak Grandy hahaha...

Theodora Diana
West Coast USA - July 2024
Our trip with INDOUSA was truly satisfying. The flexibility in scheduling allowed us to match our available dates, and the price was very reasonable. We were thrilled that our wish list was included in the itinerary, making the trip special by visiting our dream destinations. Our tour manager was very helpful and skilled in photography, always ready to capture important moments with great photos and videos. The transportation was comfortable and clean, and the hotel accommodations were excellent. The hotel was comfortable and offered great service. Overall, we were really satisfied with a flexible, personalized, and comfortable vacation experience.

Anna Maria
West Coast USA - July 2024
Our recent trip with INDOUSA was truly exceptional and met all our expectations. We could adjust the travel schedule according to our preferences and availability. Daily itinerary to recommendations for sightseeing and shopping was provided in detail. Additionally, our tour manager always ensured that we arrived on time at each destination and allowed enough time to enjoy each place without feeling
rushed. Overall, we are satisfied with this trip experience.

West Coast USA - July 2024
Trip semua berjalan sesuai itinenary, akomodasi dan transportasi semua oke, tour guide juga menyenangkan dan sangat membantu terutama untuk foto-foto dan mencari barang. Trip dilalui dengan hati senang dan gembira semuanya.

Thomy Alimwijaya
West Coast USA - June 2024
Thank you to INDOUSA Travel, thank you to Grandy, thank you to Calvin for taking care of the four of us during this amazing trip. Thank you for being patient while dealing with the roller coaster swing mood of both our daughters. Thank you for showing us this amzing part of the world and hopefully we’ll meet again next year on the other side of the coast.

Paulina Saraswati
West Coast USA Group Trip - April 2024
The tour agency is professional. The tour leader and driver are supportive, friendly, and helpful. The accommodation provided is comfortable, and they choose very nice destinations.

Anita Fitriani
West Coast USA Trip - April 2024
Pengalaman yang menyenangkan ikut private trip bersama Indousa. Banyak tempat menarik yang kita kunjungi, ditambah dengan guide yang baik dan helpfull, sudah seperti keluarga, membuat kita nyaman dan happy selama berada di west Amerika. Sukses selalu buat Indousa.

Hellen L
East Coast USA Trip - May 2024
Tour yang sangat menyenangkan. Calvin banyak membantu kita selama perjalanan. Recommended, terima kasih Indousa..

Donny Gunawan
West Coast USA - April 2024
Indousa is an awesome tour agency for solo travelers. The team will guide you, make you feel comfortable like family, arrange the schedule, provide very convenient transportation during the trip, take you to the nice spots for photographs and even give a free room upgrade.

Wita Yulita P
West Coast USA - April 2024
I was very pleased with the service. The tour guides were very kind, supportive and helpful. The selected destinations were great, amazing
and fascinating. Best wishes for Indousa professional service in the future.

Peter Hutomo R
Rocky Mountain Trip - April 2024
The trip was super memorable for us. It can’t be more amazing without Indousa. They arranged everything for us even when we were there, we had extreme weather changes so we need to adjust our original itinerary on the day. But our guide and Indousa managed us to visit all places as stated at the original itinerary. We also visited some places out from the itinerary when we have free time.. Thank you Indousa for the great service, hospitality, and experience. Look forward for another adventure with Indousa in the future for sure!! Keep it up and please make another exotic route.

Jofieta Supit
Alaska Aurora Hunting Trip - March 2024
Tour memuaskan, tour leader the best, dan makannya enak-enak. Bobonya saja yang kurang...

West Coast USA - March 2024
Thanks buat Indousa travel! Tournya sangat menyenangkan, asik, dan recommended banget. Buat teman-teman yang pengen ke USA tp bingung urus ini itu cuss langsung ke Indousa. No ribet dan worth it! Itinnya super lengkap, udah explore west USA pokoknya😆 Thanks juga buat ko Grandy dan ko Noldy yang super ramah dan sabar. Indousa mantap👍

Rita Hartati
West Coast USA - February 2024
Perjalanan tour yg luar biasa bersama Indousatravel. Pelayanannya yang sangat prima, terutama tujuan wisatanya, tour leader dan drivernya yang sigap dan ramah, serta pemilihan hotelnya yang keren. Belum lagi ada tambahan tujuan wisata diluar yang ditentukan. Thanks Indousatravel, menjadikan trip kali ini tak akan terlupakan...

Henny Prihardini
West Coast USA - February 2024
Itinerary tour sangat komplit sehingga kami bisa explore wisata-wisata yang terkenal di kawasan west coast. Hotel bagus, luas, bahkan ada yang diupgrade ke suites room. Pelayanannya sangat luar biasa, tour leader sangat akomodatif. Tour kali ini melebihi expektasi kami. Sangat luar biasa, pokoknya top banget!

Mohamad Zaenal M
West Coast USA - December 2023
Komunikasi yang sangat bagus di awal persiapan hingga akhir trip, sangat flexible, tidak kaku dan menyenangkan. Sangat membantu ketika ada problem. Itinerary yang disiapkan was great, dan bahkan sangat mengakomodir keinginan traveler di luar itinerary. Salah satu contoh visit ke Las Vegas Sphere yang amazing banget. Crew, driver dan guide was so nice… Feel like traveling with family…😃 Sangat memuaskan dan layak untuk recommend Indousa kepada kawan dan keluarga yang akan travel ke USA… Very happy to travel with Indousa…😃👍


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